Katrina Kwan (she/her)
New Adult, Adult
Contemporary Romance, Rom Com, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Paranormal, Fiction with strong romantic elements
Ahoy from Canada!
Prior to writing novels under my own name, I was a professional ghostwriter for six years with specialization in the romance genre. I spent that time working with a handful of clients to write novels under various pseudonyms, many of which have gone on to become bestsellers. (I can't say which books I wrote because I signed an NDA, but I swear it's true!)
I write both fantasy and contemporary romance, and I'm represented by Jim McCarthy at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret. My debut adult fantasy is called THE LAST DRAGON OF THE EAST (October 8th, 2024 from Saga Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster), and my debut contemporary romcom is called KNIVES, SEASONING, AND A DASH OF LOVE (August 27th, 2024 from Random House Canada).
My stories tend to feature fierce FMCs, MMCs with hearts of gold, and loving found families.
I'm open to anything NA/Adult in the romcom, contemporary, SFF, and paranormal space. Your book doesn't have to meet everything on the wishlist, I'm just spit-balling some ideas of what I'd like to see.
• I want to support fellow BIPOC and queer authors! If you identify as either/both, please do consider me as a mentor. I believe the literary world at large needs to hear our stories and our voices deserve to be heard!
• I will read all levels of heat (from aww that's sweet to HOLY KINKY CANOLI).
• Enemies-to-lovers is my all-time favorite trope, but please make sure it's ACTUALLY enemies-to-lovers. (Not ""The MMC said a mean thing to me once and I can't stand him."" I'm talking they are ENEMIES on opposites sides of a cause who have to off each other or face repercussions!)
• BREAK MY HEART. Give me all the angst you can muster. Couple this with a heavy dose of PINING and I'll consider it *chef's kiss*. (I'm dead inside, so please help me feel something.)
• Give me MMCs who are loveable goofballs and FMCs that make me scared (and horny).
• #ownvoices I'm okay with projects dealing with issues such as racism and misogyny WITH THE CAVEAT that they are handled in a respectful, mature and reflective manner. As a BIPOC author, I understand that these issues can be a part of our lived experiences and we shouldn't shy away from sharing our stories.
• I will always be a sucker for found family, supportive friends and a diverse cast of characters.
• I love stories that balance both character development and plot.
• SPICE with proper consent and communication is always A+ in my books!
• The higher the stakes, the higher my heart soars!
• If y'all could hook a girl up with an angsty doomed soulmates story (with or without an HEA), I'd be really grateful.
• I'm probably not the best fit for historical romance. They're personally not my jam.
• I do not want projects featuring on-page sexual assault or heavy religious themes.
• I'm so so so sorry, but please don't send me Hades x Persephone retellings. I'm really tired of them.
I would describe myself as a "big picture" mentor, whether it's with regards to edits or your career trajectory at large.
When it comes to your manuscript, I will probably tend toward overarching questions regarding characters, themes, pacing, etc. rather than nitpicking every little detail. I can provide you with an editorial letter where I'll ask questions that will (hopefully) help you think about ways to sharpen your writing and prepare it for the querying trenches. I'll also probably leave a lot of jokes in your margins. At the end of the day, my suggestions are just that—suggestions (though they come from a place of loving critique). I don't believe in tearing an author's work to shreds.
When it comes to your career, I can help you go over things like branding, social media presence, and how to best prepare for your agent interview, being on sub, how to handle ARC reviews, and any other questions you may have.
My schedule is incredibly flexible, so if you ever want to hop on an impromptu Zoom call or shoot me a message via text/Discord, I'm here. Whatever works best for you! My Mom says I'm very friendly (and prone to self-deprecating humor), so please don't be shy about reaching out! :)
I don't have preferences regarding who may submit to me, even if we have connected in the past.
Christine Cowan & Noreen Mughees (NA, A)
Liana De la Rosa (NA, A)
Faye Delacour (A)
Grace Demyan (A)
Noelle Douglas (A)
Amaka Egbe (YA, NA)
Christina Elle (YA, NA, A)
Isabelle Engel (NA, A)
K. M. Enright (NA, A)
Shaylin Gandhi (A)
Daniel James (YA, NA)
Anahita Karthik (YA, NA, A)
Rufaro Faith Mazarura (NA, A)
Pyae Moe Thet War (A)
Taylor Moore (YA, NA, A)
Noreen Nanja (A)
Katie Naymon (NA, A)
Melissa O’Connor (NA, A)
Megan Oliver & Ava Watson (A)
Kalie Reid (NA, A)
Audrey Ruoff (A)
Annika Sharma (NA, A)
Mia Sosa (NA, A)
Celia St Gelais (A)
Ravynn Stringfield (YA, NA)
Neely Tubati Alexander (NA, A)
Alexandra Vasti (A)
Sujin Witherspoon (YA, NA)
Lenora Woods (NA, A)