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Rufaro Faith Mazarura (she/her)


New Adult, Adult


Contemporary Romance, Rom Com, Fiction with Strong Romantic Elements

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Hey, I'm Rufaro! I released my debut novel, Let The Games Begin (a Rom Com set at the Olympics), this summer, and I really enjoy writing stories about love, friendship, family, and growing up. I'm particularly interested in writing New Adult (or, as I like to call it, quarter-life fiction) stories that follow characters in their early to mid-twenties. When I'm not writing fiction, I work as a podcast producer, and I tend to gravitate to audio documentaries that explore history, pop culture, and how the digital world shapes our in-person lives.


I'd love to read some new adult romcoms that follow characters in their early to mid-twenties. If you've got a book about college students, new grads, or 25-year-old teenagers stumbling their way through life, I want to read it! I also love stories that take place in an aspirational workplace setting, diasporic stories rooted in different cultures, and books where family, both birth and found, take center stage in the character's love stories.


I'm flexible to what would be the most helpful to you. I love a good chat, so if you want to talk about your story and publishing journey, let's do that! But I've found feedback on my writing the most helpful style of support, so I'm more than willing to read through chapters and share my thoughts as a reader.


I don't have a preference regarding who may submit to me, even if we have connected in the past.

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